Does filtering shelter you from the real world?

Does filtering shelter you from the real world?

Does filtering shelter you from the real world? Not quite. 

One of our customers said it best:

“I don’t view it that way at all— and please know that as I say this, swearing in films doesn’t bother me at all. I rarely, if ever, filter out language. In fact, I don’t use filters in general all too often. I can understand people wanting to do so for many reasons.
Some people are just more sensitive to harsh content— so they may not watch a film they’d like to see— in some cases because of one or two scenes that could be upsetting or even triggering to them. And that could involve language they find unsettling. I would put it this way— I don’t drink often, but I have no issue with people drinking alcohol responsibly. But I hate bars— I don’t enjoy the environment… it’s not my thing. So, I don’t hang out in very many bars. I don’t think I’m isolating myself from the world by avoiding something I don’t enjoy. There are many things I don’t enjoy… I’ll never attend a Rolling Stones concert either cause I’m not a fan (I’m a Beatles guy). So, if someone doesn’t enjoy the content in a movie or is upset by it, then I’m all for them having the option to filter it out.
As I said, while I don’t use filters often, I like knowing the option is there if and when I want to! And filters allow many people the opportunity to actually engage with the world when otherwise, they may end up sitting many of these movies out altogether. So the argument could be made that VidAngel does the opposite of what you suggested. Finally— while I fully recognize that it’s mostly Christians who likely use this service, it’s not necessarily a Christian service VidAngel provides. People from all walks of life can use filters for many different reasons. Anyway… I’ve spoken my piece.”

That’s a well-spoken piece, might we add.

FAQ: Does using VidAngel shelter you from the real world?

Using VidAngel to filter objectionable content does not mean that someone is isolating themselves from the rest of the world. While our customers may use VidAngel as a way to avoid certain types of content, such as graphic violence or sexual content, this does not mean that they are cutting themselves off from the world entirely.

Many people who use VidAngel find that they are able to engage safely with mainstream media and popular culture, but they simply choose to customize their viewing experience by filtering out certain types of content that they find objectionable. For example, parents may use VidAngel to filter out adult content so that they can watch movies or TV shows with their children without exposing them to inappropriate material. 

And like our customer so beautifully said: “Filters allow many people the opportunity to actually engage with the world when otherwise, they may end up sitting many of these movies out altogether.”

For more information on how filtering works, check out our help center.

Topics: Filtering