Pumpkin Spice isn’t so nice.

PSA: There are 4 seasons of the year: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Pumpkin-Spice-Infused-Fall. The time of year when Mariah Carey is defrosting and everyone loses their ever-loving minds over pumpkin spice. People grab their plaid attire, drive down the I-15 to the nearest Starbucks with their heads out of the window screaming for said spice. It’s irresponsible. You’re walking down the grocery store aisle looking for trash bags, PUMPKIN SPICE. Blindsiding. You go to your neighborhood potluck, you guessed it…pumpkin-spiced lasagna. That’s a health code violation.

It’s infiltrated our schools, and our places of work, dominates conversations and meals, and convinces people they need more plaid scarves in their closets. Enough is enough. Just because it’s taking over the world, doesn’t mean it has to take over your home. With our newest filter, you can protect your family from this “new norm.”

Just kidding. Pumpkin spice is delectable. If there were a way to add more of it, we would. HOWEVER, VidAngel filters do give you the power to decide when and where the “spice” should appear in your content. Unsure of what will be left over with all the “spice” removed? Turns out there’s still a movie with an entire storyline.

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
Topics: Filtering