Cobra Kai

Is there a way to watch “Cobra Kai” without bad language?

Cobra Kai is a TV series based on the 1984 martial arts classic, The Karate Kid. You, your dad, and your dad’s dad were introduced to/fell in love with Mr. Miyagi’s wit and the iconic phrase, “Wax on, wax off.” An entire generation grew up with the notion that if you properly learned how to wax your car, you too could take on your bullies. Many remember it fondly, the family gathered around the television watching The Karate Kid, fistfuls of red vines and those M&Ms back in their weird beige-girl era.

Let us ask you a question. Do you remember the swearing? Probably not. Unless you were watching it on a VCR, you were watching the made-for-TV-edit without the 22 counts of profanity. The second film in 2010 only had 5 counts of profanity. Something else to note, neither had a single F-bomb. 

You, like many of us, were ecstatic to walk down memory lane and breathe in the air of nostalgia by watching the TV series Cobra Kai. It had everything we loved, some OG actors, solid rivalries, corny one-liners, countless “that’d never happen in real life” moments, and the list goes on. There was one thing our customers DIDN’T love and couldn’t help but notice. A shocking increase in profanity.

On average, the TV series has 27 instances of profanity per episode, including a few F-bombs. Do you just stick to watching the original movies and miss out on the next generation’s rendition of The Karate Kid? What if we told you there was a way to experience Cobra Kai in all its glory without worry about a random swear word popping up? 

With VidAngel, you can mute any or ALL of the profanity in every episode of Cobra Kai.
Once you have VidAngel set up, simply select which words you don’t want yourself or your family to hear, then press play. Around here, the only thing stressful about movie night is what type of pizza you’re going to order and trying to stomach Susie’s boyfriend’s mullet and high-waters. Be nice. He might be sitting across from you during Thanksgiving dinner 10 years from now.

Visit to find out more.

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