What Hollywood Won’t Tell You

Hollywood movie directors say nudity is about art. According to the Center for the Study of Women in Television & Film, men comprise 62% of major characters. If that’s the case, why are women NUDE in movies 3x as much as men? Or in Game of Thrones, 6x as much? That doesn’t seem like art. Unless “Art” is the name of a gross gym teacher.

So, is Hollywood bad for your kids?

1. Female Nudity and Objectification

    Hollywood often uses nudity to turn women into sex objects. This is a big problem since studies show… women are people. But since producers know that breasts and butts fill up theaters, they use women’s naked bodies as advertisements. Just look at all the movie posters that show a woman’s body, but not her face. Unless a woman is Bigfoot or Sia or Medusa, you should be able to photograph her face. The problem is, Hollywood makes bank by pornographying women. 

    Just listen to why this director added female nudity to an episode. “This particular exec, like, took me to one side and said look, I represent the pervert side of the audience, ok? Everybody else is the serious drama side. I represent the perv side of the audience, and I want full frontal nudity in this scene. So you go ahead and do it.” Gross. 

    First off, pervs don’t need representation in Hollywood, they already have it nearly everywhere else. And second off, every time Hollywood makes money by saying women are sex objects… they send that message straight to our kids. 

    2. Murder and Violence 

      By 18, the average child has seen 200,000 acts of violence and 40,000 murders on movies or TV. And if you show a child something depraved & immoral over 200,000 times, it’s gonna start seeming normal. In fact, multiple studies link violent media consumption to increased aggression, including later criminal activity and spousal abuse. And when violence is mixed with sex, things get scarier. 

      How many times does Hollywood depict, not just gratuitous scenes of rape, but also scenes where it’s the good guy forcing himself on a woman? Each of those scenes tells our sons that NO actually means yes. And if you’re expecting a joke here, the joke is on society. 

      Look, Hollywood as an industry has severe issues with sexual harassment, sexual assault, and even child sexual abuse. So, we probably shouldn’t let them decide what normal sexuality looks like. 

      3. Profanity and Bigotry 

        Movies can expose your kids to words you don’t want them to hear, like: cussing, profanity, racist, sexist, and homophobic slurs. Between 1950 and 2010, the use of adult language in films increased by 800%. So you’re probably kicking yourself for investing in real estate and not the f-word. And yes, when it comes to adult language, your kids are gonna hear it eventually. But why not protect their innocence a little longer? Which is also our philosophy with Smash Mouth. 

        Look, if aliens saw earth only through our movies, they might think it’s a world where men are murderers, women are sex objects, and bigoted profane language is the norm. And the thing is, we do show these movies to the earth’s newcomers… they’re called kids. That’s why we made VidAngel. VidAngel is a filtering app that lets you watch movies and shows, and skip whatever sex, violence, and language you don’t want to see. And since every family is different, VidAngel lets you customize movies for your specific needs. 

        Now, religious viewers can remove the Lord’s name in vain. Trauma survivors can take our trigger scenes. And parents with young kids can cut scary moments. Instead of cutting a check for future therapy. VidAngel gives you total peace of mind. It now connects to your streaming accounts like Netflix, Amazon, Apple TV+, and Peacock and lets you filter the content you’re already paying for. All for just $9.99 a month. The cost of a pizza. So if you want to protect your kids from nudity, violence, profanity, and opening credits go to VidAngel.com. Yeah, we have an opening and closing credits filter. Time is precious, you have 12 episodes to watch.

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