‘Squid Game’ | Everything You Need to Know

After nearly 3 years, the second season of Squid Game is expected to premiere on December 26, 2024. For you Squid Game fans, it’s EXCITING. For those of you who hid Squid Game from your Netflix and VidAngel account altogether, you couldn’t care less.

We know that if you have not dabbled in the world of Squid Game, peer pressure could not touch you with a ten-foot pole. You’re untouchable. Invincible, like the Greek Warrior, Achilles, but without an achilles. You’re one-of-a-kind, marching to the beat of your own drum, won’t eat the peas on your plate while at dinner with grandma kind of soul. Now, if you’ve watched this TV series in one sitting, you’re dedicated, full of commitment and probably in desperate need of a light show like My Little Pony to cleanse that palette. Sweet Magnolias might be too much for you in a post Squid Game state. 

Regardless of which side of the aisle you find yourself on, here’s what we know:

  • It’s Netflix’s biggest release of all time. ALL-TIME.
  • After the release, sales of Vans white slip-on shoes went up 7,800%!
  • The Duolingo app saw a 40% increase of US users studying Korean compared to last year.
  • Social media was flooded with people sharing recipes to make Dalgona Candy, a South Korean favorite featured in the show.
  • The series has clocked a whopping 2,205,200,000 hours watched on Netflix. 
  • Squid Game creator Hwang Dong-hyuk once said it took him 12 years to bring the series to life. It took 12 days to become the most popular Netflix series ever. 
  • Season 2 began production July 2023, wrapped up June 2024 and will be released December 26, 2024. 

And this is what the VidAngel Community has had to say on whether or not it lives up to the hype:

  • “YESSSSS! It’s such a unique story.”
  • “Yeah it’s a great series. Netflix originals have a tendency to be overhyped but it was good.”
  • “I enjoyed it, a little messed up but it shows you the true character of people.”
  • “Too Grimdark for me.”
  • “So easy to get sucked into. So many plot twists that keep you engaged.”

Season 1 was an absolute diabolical phenomenon. We aren’t qualified to tell you whether or not this show is for you. That’s 100% YOUR call. You can choose to watch this show as is. You can choose to keep this show as far from your household as possible. OR you can watch this show YOUR way, choosing to skip or mute categories like nudity, swearing, and gore.

Squid Game is rated TV-MA for 270 counts of Violence/Gore, 269 counts of profane language, 66 counts of nudity.

Some people still enjoy the other parts a show has to offer, like the who-dun-it storyline that’s afoot. And with our customizable filters, you always get to decide what is right for you and your home. If the plot and everything that Squid Game stands for does not align with your morals, it might be best to skip the TV series altogether.

If you want to see what the hype is about before the second season premieres but don’t want to see all of the violence, VidAngel is your solution.

Did you know that the average person will see 200,000 acts of violence and 40,000 murders play out on TV shows and movies before the age of 18? Frightening, we know. It was so frightening that we created a filter for it. Find out more here.

Be sure to check out the Netflix’s spin-off, Squid Game: The Challenge. Immersed in the world of “Squid Game,” 456 real players put their skills — and character — to the ultimate test for a life-changing $4.56 million prize. Rated TV-MA for language. Not an ounce of violence. Want to watch the game show without the profane language? VidAngel Squid Game: The Challenge today.

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