VidAngel Reviews

You’ll use VidAngel more than your microwave.

Do people really use VidAngel more than their microwaves? According to one singular customer, yes. Unless you’re more of a Chef Boyardee instead of a chef, this might be true for you too. One of the biggest complaints is there seems to be nothing “good” to watch nowadays. Movies and shows always have one scene that needs to be skipped or bad language that makes you cringe a bit. Or maybe you’ve become so desensitized to it that the movie doesn’t bother you until you watch it next to your spouse or family. Did you know there’s a way to know what and when to “fast-forward” before you sit down for your next family movie night? With VidAngel, you hand-pick what type of scenes and words you want to skip prior to pressing play. Spoiler-free.

If you’re feeling like all movies have explicit scenes these days, we have a solution. A pretty great one. Don’t take our word for it. We gathered real VidAngel reviews from real people. The ones who believe that conversation can be had without f-bombs. People who know movies without nudity still have plotlines. These are your people. The cream of the crop, the crème de la crème. Enjoy these real VidAngel Reviews from real people.

“It’s like hiring a janitor, but for your TV.” – Kendalyn

“I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your program!! This is better than ice cream.”

“VidAngel, because it’s cheaper than therapy.” – Jordan

“You make movies cleaner than a Sunday Sermon.” – Micah

“It’s like deodorant for your TV.” – Jess

“I value VidAngel more than a microwave.” – John

Something you can value more than a microwave? Better than ice cream? Cleaner than a Sunday Sermon? Something else you don’t have to clean up yourself?! Say less. We’re sold. Sign up today to cut the smut out of your favorite TV series and movies. You deserve your own personal movie janitor.

Sign up for VidAngel today!
Topics: ReviewsTagged
  1. VidAngel keeps kicking me out of any show I watch. First few weeks it worked perfect but now I can’t watch anything!
    I’m yet to find a way to contact customer service. I’m losing my patience and am about to cancel. Why pay $10 a month for something I can’t use. EXTREMELY disappointing.

  2. Vid Angel is laggy all the time. Won’t let me airplay to my samsung tv. The streaming is slow and doesn’t work half the time. Vid angel please spend a little more money and fix these issues

    1. That sounds frustrating, Chris! We have a great idea for you to have a better experience with VidAngel! Please contact our customer service right here, so we can help you out: CONTACT US

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